Leunstoel (Chair) (1908)
Aquesta cadira es un dels primers disseny del Sr. Rietveld, realitzada en fusta de roure i pell, a escala 1:6, amb les mateixes proporcions que  surten en el llibre on hi ha publicats els seus planols i els seus dissenys.

Aquesta foto pertanny a:
The exhibition Rietveld’s Universe points out that Utrecht architect and designer Gerrit Th. Rietveld (1888-1964) designed much more than only the classic Red-Blue chair and the famous Rietveld Schröder House. Rietveld realized more than one hundred buildings and many pieces of furniture.
The Centraal Museum places Rietveld’s work in a broad context. By focusing attention on the person Rietveld and his manner of working and by comparing him and his work with famous contemporaries like Wright, Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, the creative genius of Rietveld is set in a new light and a new image of Rietveld’s contribution to 20th century architecture and design is presented. The exhibition is realized in collaboration with the Netherlands Architecture Institute NAI.